The crystal material employed in the Model 320 is Lithium Niobate. The Model 320 also includes a zero-order quartz internal half wave-plate. The Model 320 has a clear aperture of 5mm.
The deflector sensitivity is greater than 0.17micro-radians/volt and is capable of handling over 500Volts. The horizontal axis is in plane parallel to the housing mounting surface. The cross-axis deflection sensitivity (vertical or horizontal axis) is less than or equal to 0.007micro-radians/volt.
The unit is AR (anti-reflection) coated and the optical transmission is greater than 96% at 1550nm.
The Model 320 Nutator is designed to operate in environmental conditions of -40° C and +55° C, where the nominal temperature range is 25° C.
Conoptics does offer the Model 320 Nutator in other wavelengths and greater sensitivity. Please contact with your requirements.